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2024 Ceremony

Side-by-Side Transcription from our Kerth Awards Ceremony held on April 20th 2024 in Discord. Timestamps are in UTC.

The original chat log can be found on Discord.


#KerthAwards #KerthChat
the “onstage” portion of our show the “kicking back with friends and throwing popcorn at the stage” part of the evening
18:28:10 KSaraSara   18:27:02 KSaraSara

creates the stage

18:28:11 KSaraSara

Welcome to the 2024 Kerth Awards! This is the stage!

wave ×2    heart   

18:28:44 KSaraSara

Changed the channel name: The Stage

18:29:03 KSaraSara

Pinned a message.

18:45:19 KSaraSara

Everyone will be able to chat over here in the main channel, which will serve as our audience. We encourage cheering and laughing and fun, but do try to keep things PG-13ish just like we do on the boards! eyes @Darth_Michael warily

If you have a question, don’t be afraid to ask it here, even while the ceremony is going on! We want everyone to have fun and be included!

The Stage (over yonder https:/​/​​channels/​908556304568684575/​1231642363881848933) will only allow for admins and Ceremony Speakers to chat/​send messages. If you’re on a computer (desktop/​laptop) or on a web browser, you should be able to view both the main channel here and the “Thread” that serves as The Stage in a split-screen presentation. This will let you have the channel and The Stage side by side.

18:45:41 KSaraSara

Pinned a message.

18:48:47 Darth_Michael

eyes @Darth_Michael warily

gives best Han Solo impression I’m always well-behaved!

joy    face with monocle ×2   

18:59:09 Bek

So exciting!!!! 🤩

heart eyes ×3   

19:18:26 QueenoftheCapes

slips in and sits in the back

19:18:37 QueenoftheCapes

I can’t stay too long but hi 😄

19:18:53 KSaraSara

Hi! Yay!


19:20:43 Bek


wave ×2   

19:28:05 EaLeana

Hi! 👋🏻


19:28:35 Bek

Oh the split window thing works well!


19:28:49 Bek


19:29:09 EaLeana

Might end up just lurking. Was at a b/​d party last night and the chairs were awful. My back hurts, lol

19:29:16 CarrieRene

Hello ladies and gentlemen.

tada ×2   

19:29:27 Bek

Glad to have you here!


19:29:31 Bek


19:29:42 AnnaBtG

hey guys!!

tada ×2   

19:30:02 AnnaBtG

good luck to all the nominees!!!

19:30:06 Bek

Hey! 🙂

19:30:12 Darth_Michael

waves blanco welcome to channel

19:30:35 Darth_Michael

um….about still needing luck…

19:30:47 AnnaBtG


19:30:48 Bek

Ellie is here as well, and she says hi!

19:30:52 AnnaBtG

Hi Ellie!!

smiling face with 3 hearts   

19:30:55 KSaraSara

Hi, Ellie!!

smiling face with 3 hearts   

19:31:11 Toomi



19:31:15 KSaraSara

eyes the clock and taps nervously on the microphone

19:31:55 KSaraSara

Um… anyone know who’s in charge around here?

19:32:22 Bek

Hello! 🙂

19:32:32 KSaraSara

Am I just…supposed to… @Darth_Michael whispers in Sara’s ear

19:32:44 KSaraSara

Oh… um, right. I’m in charge. 🫣

19:33:22 KSaraSara

Welcome to the 2024 Kerth Awards, everyone!!

I’m honored to be hosting this year’s awards—the 26th annual, can you believe it? I honestly struggle to wrap my mind around that frequently. 😂

19:33:49 KSaraSara

If you’d told 18-year-old Sara (how old I was when the first Kerths were held 😳) that she’d be emcee of the Kerth Awards in 2024…she’d probably write up another one of her Crazy FoLC journal entries about how Wells and Tempus were ACTUALLY FOR REALS messing with her mind.

smiling face with 3 hearts ×2   

19:34:14 KSaraSara

There’s a lot that’s hard to believe…that this fandom is still going (relatively strong) after 30 years, that we’re STILL seeing new FoLCs join the fandom, that we’re seeing a dramatic increase in the number of stories after years of low numbers, that we STILL have new authors year after year…

tada ×6   

19:34:31 Bek

😆 Sara’s making me feel old!

19:34:31 KSaraSara

But the one thing that seems to have remained true all this time is that FoLCdom is…well, it’s kinda one of the best places I’ve ever been. As a 15-year-old and a 44-year-old, I’ve never found a place more comfortable or accepting.

heart ×3   

19:34:42 KSaraSara

is older than you

🫣 ×2   

19:34:49 CarrieRene

Heck I’m older than both of you

19:34:54 Toomi

starts adding Kerth’s to Sara’s age to work out how old she is

laughing ×2   

19:34:58 KSaraSara

Yeah, there have been growing pains over the years and I’ve drifted away a few times at different points in my life, but I’ve always been grateful for having FoLCs and folcdom as a part of my life.

19:34:59 Toomi

needs more fingers and toes

laughing ×3   

19:35:25 KSaraSara

And so, yeah, it’s a little hard to believe that I’m “standing” here today, wearing as many FoLCdom hats as I’m wearing. Thank you to everyone, new and old, young and not-young, writers and readers and those who do both—without you, I wouldn’t be here at all!

heart ×6   

19:36:40 Bek

🥰 Thank you for everything you do for this fandom, Sara!

plus1 ×5    smiling face with 3 hearts   

19:36:49 KSaraSara

We have 19 (…I should really know for sure that this is the number… but I didn’t finish preparing my speech… 🫣 ) categories to present today/​tonight, so let’s get the show on the road!

star struck ×4   

Best Micro-Short Story (1-5kb)
19:37:18 KSaraSara

First up, we have @Toomi to present Best Micro-Short Story!

tada ×4   

19:37:51 Toomi

The stories in the micro-short category are… well… short. So short they may be less than certain author’s notes.

laughing ×5   

19:38:01 Toomi


19:38:15 Bek

😆 😆 😆

19:38:22 KSaraSara

eyes Toomi… hey, now! 🤣


19:38:37 Toomi


19:38:54 Toomi

Without futher ado… the nominees are:

19:39:09 Toomi

Family Road Trip by KSaraSara

19:39:11 Toomi

How to Change a Lightbulb by SuperBek

19:39:19 Toomi

Martha… A Gift From the Stars by KSaraSara

19:39:30 Toomi

New Year’s Season 5 by CarrieRene

19:39:38 Toomi


19:39:40 Toomi

Practice Makes Purrfect by SuperBek

19:40:18 Toomi

And the winner is!

19:40:30 Toomi

Martha… A Gift From the Stars by KSaraSara

tada ×6   

19:40:50 QueenoftheCapes

Yay KSara!!!

19:40:51 Bek

Congrats!!!! 🎉 🎉 🎉 🎉 🎉

19:41:17 Bek

Love that story! ❤️

19:41:32 AnnaBtG

Congrats Sara!!!! Such a wonderful story!! 🎉 ❤️

19:41:32 QueenoftheCapes


19:41:45 Bek

Which will be longer than the story!

joy ×4    plus1 ×2   

19:42:47 KSaraSara


(Is it terrible that I was hoping someone else would win? Mostly because I’ve already got serious stage nerves being up here, and the break would have been nice. 🫣 )

But I don’t mean at all to discount those who voted for me! I really, really love this story. It means a lot to me personally, so it means a lot more knowing so many people loved it ❤️ Thank you!! 😊

people hugging ×4    heart ×4   

19:43:40 EaLeana

Congratulations @KSaraSara ❤️

19:43:58 KSaraSara

Ack, see, now I’m up again already? 😆

purple heart ×2    rofl   

19:44:10 KSaraSara

Thank you, Toomi, for presenting!

plus1    smiling face with 3 hearts   

Best Revelation
19:44:57 KSaraSara

Next up we have JadedEvie to present Best Revelation!

19:45:06 Darth_Michael

Unable to attend, because like Lois, she’s addicted to job and is stuck traveling, Evie takes careful, miraculous aim and sends a paper airplane over to the night’s emcee:

19:45:18 Darth_Michael

A single pair of glasses do a lot of work across Superman comics, movies and television shows. On the boards, our authors nominated in the Best Revelation Category have done a lot of work, and an incredible job — dare I say, even a ‘Super job’ — in crafting new and engaging ways to tell the story of exactly how, when, and why (and with what ramifications) those glasses come off to reveal that the most powerful man on Earth is mild-mannered Clark Kent, the unassuming greenhorn reporter from Smallville. There’s nothing mild or unassuming about the poignant, funny and evocative stories from this year’s Nominees. They take us back to save Mayson (interrupting a steamy kiss that’s worth waiting for), straight into the lion’s den of a Lois Lane interview (at her comedic best), out of the frying pan of Arianna’s clutches and into the terrifying prospect of caring for a wounded Superman, and through a romantic, snowy, starlit field in the midst of a meteor shower.

superman ×4    clap ×3   

19:45:57 Darth_Michael

The nominees for Best Revelation Story are:

  • Fortunately, There Are No Doors Here Tonight by KSaraSara
  • Leading Questions by SuperBek
  • Paper Cut by Blueowl
  • Wish Upon A Leonid by Toomi8
19:46:19 Darth_Michael

—- and this year’s Kerth Award Winner for Best Revelation Story is:

19:46:38 Darth_Michael

It’s…it’s our first tie!

open mouth ×4   

19:46:49 KSaraSara

Ooh! Yay! More love to spread around!

19:46:50 Darth_Michael

Fortunately, There Are No Doors Here Tonight by KSaraSara

Wish Upon A Leonid by Toomi8

heart eyes ×4   

19:46:59 AnnaBtG

great speech, Evie!


19:47:02 Darth_Michael

Congratulations Sara and Toomie!

19:47:09 KSaraSara

nudges Toomi over to the mic first

laughing ×4   

19:47:17 Toomi

nudges back

laughing ×4   

19:47:21 Bek

Congrats Sara and Toomi!!!

19:47:24 AnnaBtG

Congrats girls!!!

19:47:49 EaLeana

Congratulations ladies!

19:47:52 Toomi

Wow. Well, I’m stunned….. Thank you! And so wonderful to be tied with an author whose work I’ve been admiring for a long time 😍

heart ×2   

19:48:00 AnnaBtG

I don’t even remember what I voted for in this one, all the stories were so perfect 😊 a tie seems like the way to go!!


19:48:19 Toomi

*shoves mic at @KSaraSara *

19:49:01 KSaraSara

Gahhh! Making me blush! Well-deserved, Toomi! I loved this series of yours!

heart ×3   

19:51:43 KSaraSara

Ahhh, this story… right now, my mind is a little blank, and I can’t even remember how I came up with this story. But I know part of my goal with this was to correct that terrible terrible error in grammar when Clark utters “there’s no doors here tonight” instead of “there are no doors here tonight” … I don’t think that was the main bunny, but still.

Gahh… yeah, I’m not even sure what else to say other than this really does mean a lot because I think it’s the most favorite revelation I’ve ever written! Thank you, all! 🥰

heart eyes ×3   

19:52:48 KSaraSara

shoves the mic back at… crap… it’s me again… um…. eyes @AnnaBtG out in the audience and shoves the mic at her, uh, gently…gently pushes the mic at her

Best Episode Adaptation
19:53:09 KSaraSara

Anna’s gonna present Best Episode Adaptation!

19:53:34 AnnaBtG

Hello hello FoLCs! I’m so happy to be here with you tonight 😊

wave ×2   

19:53:47 AnnaBtG


19:53:57 Bek

Hi Anna!!

19:54:01 AnnaBtG

So, when I was little, before I knew what fanfiction was, I used to watch telenovelas.

If you’ve ever watched a telenovela, you will know that they are always rife with unnecessary drama. Little me could never understand why they couldn’t just kiss and make up. There were some spots that were just ideal for it.

19:54:18 AnnaBtG

So I started thinking up, and then writing on the computer, kiss-and-make-up scenarios.

heart eyes ×4   

19:54:30 EaLeana

Sara, you’re hilarious 🥰

point up   

19:54:30 AnnaBtG

Anyways, the years passed, I grew up, and I started watching L&C instead of telenovelas. And I still wanted Lois and Clark to kiss and make up.

point up   

19:54:42 AnnaBtG

And I learned that if you change the events of an episode to make the characters kiss and make up, it’s called an episode adaptation. It’s also called an episode adaptation if you change the events of the episode without making them kiss, though I’m not sure why anybody would want to do that.

laughing ×5    point up   

19:54:57 AnnaBtG

In any case, if you too are unhappy with the way a certain episode went down, the FoLCs got you covered, and we have some magnificent episode adaptations for you to choose your favourite!

19:55:00 KSaraSara

hahaha thanks! I’m glad my nerves are transmuting into humor 🤣

laughing ×2   

19:55:13 AnnaBtG

The nominees for Best Episode Adaptation are:

19:55:26 AnnaBtG

110 Kisses: You’re Family by KSaraSara

Can’t Take My Eyes Off You by Socomama and KSaraSara

Fortunately, There Are No Doors Here Tonight by KSaraSara

IBM: Darkest Before the Dawn by JadedEvie

Undercover Reporter by JadedEvie

19:55:43 AnnaBtG

And the winner is…

19:56:10 AnnaBtG

looks around for an envelope

19:56:34 KSaraSara

whispers that Michael has them

19:56:36 AnnaBtG

Ah, there we are!

19:57:03 AnnaBtG

Undercover Reporter by JadedEvie!!!

19:57:13 KSaraSara


19:57:21 Darth_Michael

Congratulations, @JadedEvie !

19:57:23 Bek

Congrats Evie!!!!

19:57:28 Toomi


19:57:50 AnnaBtG

Congrats Evie!!!

19:58:08 EaLeana


19:58:11 CarrieRene

Congrats Evie.

19:58:11 KSaraSara

Does anyone want to accept on her behalf?? She did all this prep work for the ceremony and even wrote a ton of presentation speeches… but… I think we neglected to make her write an acceptance speech in anticipation of a win…

19:58:31 Darth_Michael

I did mention it to her…

19:59:03 Darth_Michael

/​pushes MC in front of mic/​ she already got practice

tired face    🫣    laughing ×2   

20:00:30 KSaraSara

Well, I know she might likely be in disbelief, but she really shouldn’t be! Undercover Reporter was a fantastic story! A take on TOGOM like none I’ve read before! (Well at least in my memory…but still.) We’ll make her post a speech on the boards thread later! 😉

tada ×5    point up   

20:00:42 KSaraSara

Thank you, Anna, for presenting!


Best Super-Short Story (6-10kb)
20:01:43 KSaraSara

Next up, we have @bakasi (or pretend @Darth_Michael) presenting the award for Best Super-Short Story!

20:01:55 bakasi (sock)

Don’t we all love these brief moments in the lives of our favorite characters?

20:02:02 bakasi (sock)

These stories can make us cry, offer comfort or a warm fuzzy feeling to carry us through the day.

20:02:10 bakasi (sock)

Just a few short words and yet they show us the range of all emotions.

20:02:20 bakasi (sock)

Nominated for the Best Super-Short this year are:

20:02:28 bakasi (sock)
  • 110 Kisses: Can I Join You? by KSaraSara
  • Better With Clark by KSaraSara
  • Cat’s Eye View (Part 3 of the “Like Herding Cats” trilogy 1/​1) by lovetvfan
  • Martha… She Just Knows by KSaraSara
  • May I Have This Dance, Mrs. Kent? by SuperBek
  • My Lost Sister by SuperBek
  • Wish Upon A Leonid by Toomi8
20:02:39 bakasi (sock)

And the winner is:

20:02:58 bakasi (sock)

looks for envelope in big Santa bag

20:03:03 bakasi (sock)

Wish Upon A Leonid by Toomi8

smiling face with 3 hearts ×2   

20:03:17 bakasi (sock)

Congratulations (again) @Toomi

20:03:22 KSaraSara

Wooo!! makes Toomi come back up!

20:03:23 AnnaBtG

Congrats again, Toomi!!! What a sweet story!!

20:03:27 Bek

Yay! Congrats Toomi!!!!! 🎉 🎉 🎉 🎉

20:03:43 Toomi

Oh my goodness!!!!!

20:04:01 Toomi

The series that almost never was!

20:04:09 KSaraSara

YAY!! Totally extra deserved since she’s the one who inspired Ficlet Friday with her wonderful ficlets!

20:04:15 Toomi

I’m a bit speachless….

20:05:13 Toomi

I love astronomy and stargazing, and I remember talking to friends about potentially watching this shower but it was supposed to snow the entire weekend, so I wrote a fic instead.

heart eyes ×4   

20:05:23 Darth_Michael

Well… @Toomi did make BNA last year…

20:05:33 Toomi

Just a wee one, which has received so much love. Thank you 🥰

smiling face with 3 hearts ×5   

20:06:26 KSaraSara

(the year before last because last year there wasn’t BNA, but yes!! She IS of Best New Author fame!)

laughing    heart   

20:07:08 Toomi

Yes, with a trilogy of fics that desperatly needs an overhaul before they see the light of day again!

20:07:17 KSaraSara

Thank YOU, Toomi! And congrats!

smiling face with 3 hearts   

20:07:26 Darth_Michael

eyes MC am I on?

20:07:43 Darth_Michael

should I wait a bit for Toomi to calm down?

laughing ×2   

20:07:45 KSaraSara

and thank you, @bakasi, for presenting the award!

Best Waffy Story
20:08:11 KSaraSara

Now, we have @Darth_Michael (again) as @JadedEvie to present Best Waffy Story!

20:08:15 Toomi

I’m calm! -ish…. it’s too early for a drink isn’t it?

champagne glass ×2   

20:08:18 JadedEvie (sock)

Courier: Special delivery! holds out a bouquet of flowers and a box

20:08:22 JadedEvie (sock)

JadedEvie: I didn’t order anything.

20:08:26 JadedEvie (sock)

Courier: It has your name on it!

20:08:31 JadedEvie (sock)

JadedEvie: reads That’s not my name. That says, ‘Lois La–‘ …Ya know, you look really familiar.

20:08:32 AnnaBtG

it’s past 9pm here, if that helps

point up   

20:08:38 JadedEvie (sock)

Courier: Uh….

20:08:42 JadedEvie (sock)

JadedEvie: REALLY familiar.

20:08:46 JadedEvie (sock)

Courier: Nope, I don’t think so!

20:08:47 Toomi

Sounds great to me! grabs gin

20:08:51 JadedEvie (sock)

JadedEvie: What’s in the box, anyway?

20:08:56 JadedEvie (sock)

Courier: It’s from a secret admirer.

20:09:00 JadedEvie (sock)

JadedEvie: Ooooh, that’s why you looked so familiar! I’ll decline to accept this package on Lois’ behalf, Victor. You should ditch Griffin, anyway. Dude’s kind of a neg. You could do a lot better.

20:09:03 KSaraSara

Maybe I should add a dash of something to my coffee… lol

20:09:09 JadedEvie (sock)

Courier Victor: I dunno.

20:09:16 JadedEvie (sock)

JadedEvie: You’re kind of a genius, right? You should get your resume out there. Even in this economy, you can probably make more reliably than what Griffin is promising. And, uh, toss whatever prank is in that box.

20:09:18 KSaraSara

(that I’m still drinking at noon because… I’ve been busy lol)

20:09:24 Toomi

I’d pass you the gin but that doesn’t go well with coffee….


20:09:29 JadedEvie (sock)

Courier Victor: with confidence Maybe I will!

20:09:33 JadedEvie (sock)

JadedEvie: Actually… if you’re looking for a quick job, I could use a courier to drop a presentation off at the Kerth Awards. It’s a locked Discord channel, but that shouldn’t be a problem for a tech genius. Think you can find a way in? holds out a paper

laughing ×5   

20:09:42 CarrieRene

Kahlua does…

point up   

20:09:46 JadedEvie (sock)

Courier Victor: You got it, boss. takes pages and turns to go

20:09:50 KSaraSara

LOL!!! Oh, she’s good with the Prankster stuff…

20:09:52 JadedEvie (sock)

JadedEvie: Hey, wait a minute! “snags a single bloom from the bouquet, snaps the stem to shorten it, and tucks it into the little zip pocket on the chest of the courier coveralls.* We all deserve a little love.

laughing ×2   

20:10:03 JadedEvie (sock)

Courier Victor: blushing Aw, gee, thanks! I’ll have this on the channel before you can say ‘Great Caesar’s Ghost!’

20:10:09 JadedEvie (sock)

JadedEvie: Great Caesar’s Gh–


20:10:17 JadedEvie (sock)

A hand at the small of the back…

20:10:20 JadedEvie (sock)

An intimate look across a crowded room…

20:10:24 JadedEvie (sock)

A whispered promise under a starlit sky, a hundred feet in the air…

20:10:33 JadedEvie (sock)

Lois and Clark gave us so many swoon-worthy moments in the four seasons they were on the air. And they’ve spent 20 more years inspiring fluffy, waffy stories that make our hearts swell as we sigh over just how sweet they are.

20:10:44 JadedEvie (sock)

This year, three authors in particular made us swoon again and again, moving what some would call the ‘B plot’ into prime ‘A’ position for tugging at our heartstrings.

20:11:01 JadedEvie (sock)

They’re taken us aboard a familiar yacht to make emotional sense of a problematic episode, dove back into season two to save both an annoying ADA and a twice-missed kiss, surrounded us with family as we watched an impromptu dance in the kitchen, spent a night at the planet to watch a man fall in love and solidify his destiny, and read us a diary that shows how special the boy who became Superman truly was (not to mention reminding us of the loudly purring favorite Kent farm cat, Finn).

heart ×3   

20:11:22 JadedEvie (sock)

As Clark reminds us, it’s the little moments, the ones that we build together, that matter. Here are the five stories that that gave us those little, but unforgettable, magical moments.

20:11:33 JadedEvie (sock)

The nominees for Best WAFFY Story are:

  • Can’t Take My Eyes Off You by Socomama and KSaraSara
  • Fortunately, There Are No Doors Here Tonight by KSaraSara
  • Good Luck Finding Something by SuperBek
  • May I Have This Dance, Mrs. Kent? by SuperBek
  • That Forgotten Journal by SuperBek
20:11:42 JadedEvie (sock)

—- and this year’s Kerth Award Winner for Best WAFFY Story is:

20:11:55 JadedEvie (sock)

races after Victor to catch envelope

laughing ×3   

20:12:05 JadedEvie (sock)

Okay, here we are

20:12:06 JadedEvie (sock)

Can’t Take My Eyes Off You by Socomama and KSaraSara

20:12:11 JadedEvie (sock)


20:12:16 AnnaBtG

Congrats girls!!!!

20:12:16 JadedEvie (sock)


20:12:19 JadedEvie (sock)


20:12:23 Bek

Congrats!!!! 🎉 🎉 🎉

20:12:24 JadedEvie (sock)


20:12:51 Toomi


20:14:31 bakasi


20:15:38 QueenoftheCapes

Huh. Did JadedEvie always have buttons for eyes, or is this new? 🤔

rofl ×2   

20:16:45 KSaraSara

Ahhhhhh!! I’m way less shy about this one because I credit this SOOO MUCH to @Socomama! It was her amazing plot bunny that she let me play around with. And well… part of me wants to recount the authors’ notes here, but I think Michael might cut me for time…(so that he has time enough for his presentation speeches 😆 ).

She nudged me into writing this for her because she didn’t have the time, but then she gave me so many good lines and ideas while brainstorming with me, that I hoodwinked her into co-writing with me. I would totally love to give her all the credit on this one, but she won’t let me!

I know she wishes she could be around more often, especially after such a warm welcome for her debut fic and all the love it’s gotten–RL has been a bear for her, though. Just know that she is totally overwhelmed and flattered by all the love and feedback!! ❤️

rofl ×4    heart ×7   

20:18:47 KSaraSara

And as for me… I feel lucky to have been able to co-write with Socomama!! It was a chaotic delight! And I loooove her idea and really, the process was so much fun! And her revelation? That was her idea and her doing and I think it’s brilliant! Gahh! Anyway… thank you all! And THANK YOU on behalf of @Socomama!

heart ×5   

Best Elseworlds/AU Story
20:19:50 KSaraSara

looks at spreadsheet for next things and is mightily confused… I’m not sure the cells sorted properly…

20:20:09 Darth_Michael

It’s me you’re looking for 🙂

20:20:10 KSaraSara

Or maybe when Victor was hacking into things… he fudge things up?

20:20:25 Darth_Michael

steps up to mic

20:20:32 KSaraSara

Haha, take it away, then!

20:20:39 Darth_Michael

Wow, that was Best WAFFy Story everyone!

20:20:43 Darth_Michael


20:20:46 Darth_Michael

What a sugar rush that was!

20:20:50 Darth_Michael

looks out into the audience, holding up a hand against the glare from the spotlight

20:20:55 Darth_Michael

My neurons must be in overdrive because it looks like there’s…

20:21:00 Darth_Michael

trails finger across audience

20:21:04 Darth_Michael

Yeah, that’s what… seven different Supermen in the audience?

20:21:09 Darth_Michael

stage whispers into the mic

20:21:13 Darth_Michael

Don’t tell Lois, she might want to collect them all.

joy ×3   

20:21:18 Darth_Michael

looks at notes while laughter is dying down again

20:21:29 Darth_Michael

Oh… Oh! Turns out I’m not hallucinating from too much sugar after all! Those are all legitimate Clarks who are visiting from the various Elseworlds our authors created this year!

20:21:40 Darth_Michael

Let’s see…

20:21:47 Darth_Michael

Ah, yes, there’s the Clark who went to New Krypton and returned a very changed man. It’s actually a story as old as FoLCdom itself. Clark leaves. Alt-Clark steps in. Clark returns. Lois and Clark and Alt-Clark have to deal with a lot of trauma. And every time, our authors find new ways to live with the consequences.

20:21:49 AnnaBtG

No, Lois! They’re not Pokemon!!

20:21:55 QueenoftheCapes

🎶Gotta catchem aaall Supermon!

laughing ×3   

20:22:05 KSaraSara

That’s a lot of Clarks… I know @QueenoftheCapes is wondering whether or not they have shirts on…

joy ×3   

20:22:08 Darth_Michael

notices a Clark slipping a piece of his steak to the dog beside him

20:22:14 Darth_Michael

Hey, you guys are back!

20:22:17 Darth_Michael

waves at Houdini and his Clark

20:22:24 Darth_Michael

So glad to hear that you managed to clear up all that Kryptonite business. I hear it was a real pain in the butt. Hey, where’s you Lois?

20:22:33 Darth_Michael

Clark points to the handsome couple sitting with a Lois just as a fourth Lois pulls out an empty chair to join them for a chat

20:22:41 Darth_Michael

And there’s Kal and Clark with their Lois. So great you guys could come!

20:22:46 Darth_Michael

drags eyes away from the adorable throuple to focus back on the audience at large

20:22:57 Darth_Michael

Wonder what they got to discuss? Then again, a Lois with both a Clark and a Kal, that’s got to be a curiosity even in this crowd. I really hope they’re doing okay in their unusual circumstances.

20:23:15 Darth_Michael

glances at cards

20:23:18 Darth_Michael

Now, where’s…

20:23:22 Darth_Michael

spots ramrod-straight Clark

20:23:24 KSaraSara

:superman: 👓 🦄

rainbow ×2   

20:23:31 Darth_Michael

Oh, yes, there he is! FoLCs, an applause for a Clark who’s not afraid to use his brains to solve a problem! He even goes so far as to aid other Lois and Clarks in their troubles. Who would have guessed that getting mentored by the leader of Bureau 39 could be a good thing? A true boy scout’s boy scout that one.

20:23:56 Darth_Michael

shifts gaze to other couple

20:24:01 Darth_Michael

Speaking of which…this last couple shows just how much collaboration there is in our fandom. All an author has to do is plant a spinoff bunny and their beta will squeal and pick it up and nurture it until it is fully grown and mature. We’re truly meta here, guys! And Elseworld’s Alt-U. That’s something you find only in FoLCdom.

20:24:26 Darth_Michael

And with those words I give you this year’s nominees for the Best Elseworlds/​AU Story!

20:24:31 Darth_Michael
  • Anchor: Part II – Kal-El by SuperBek
  • Destined by SuperBek
  • Investigate: Alternate Possibilities by KSaraSara
  • Investigate: Beckoning by Blueowl
  • Investigate: Horizons by Blueowl
  • MagiKal AU Series by bakasi
20:24:55 Darth_Michael

pulls out an envelope from inside the jacket and glances to make sure it’s the correct one

laughing ×4   

20:25:00 Darth_Michael

And the winner is…

20:25:05 Darth_Michael

pulls out card

20:25:12 KSaraSara


20:25:15 Darth_Michael

** MagiKal AU Series** by bakasi

tada ×3   

20:25:20 Darth_Michael

Congratulations, Barbara!

20:25:25 KSaraSara


20:25:28 Bek

Congrats!!! 🎉 🎉 🎉

20:25:34 Toomi


20:25:41 QueenoftheCapes

Yay Bakasi!!!

20:25:41 bakasi



20:25:48 EaLeana

Congrats 🎉

20:25:54 KSaraSara

c’mon up, @bakasi

20:26:00 KSaraSara


20:26:08 AnnaBtG

Congrats, @bakasi !!!

20:26:15 CarrieRene


20:27:28 BlindPassenger

Hi ans sorry for bieng late. Family business kept me, well busy. Congrats to everyone who already got something awarded.

heart ×4   

20:27:44 KSaraSara

welcome! Glad you could make it!!

20:28:23 Darth_Michael

meanwhile, is the speech speed okay that I’m doing?

20:28:29 bakasi

This whole series was a surprise. Posting the first story was sort of a test run and I had no idea where this was going. But the series got so much love and I had so much fun with Houdini… I never thought I could finish it, but here I am. I want to thank my on-off betas Lynn S.M and @Demi for helping me out. And all of you who read this and left feedback. You really made my weekends then

tada ×5    heart ×3   

20:28:40 BlindPassenger

Thanks. Now if I just could find out where I can see the stage/​presentations? URgh it seems I too stupid today…

people hugging   

20:28:44 KSaraSara

yes! It works! (at least for me…)

20:28:55 KSaraSara

it’s confusing, no worries!

20:28:56 KSaraSara


20:29:10 AnnaBtG

I think you’re good

smiling face with 3 hearts   

20:29:38 Darth_Michael


If you’re on a desktop, you can use this link here to open both at the same time: https:/​/​​channels/​908556304568684575/​1231349228228313179/​threads/​1231642363881848933

20:29:41 bakasi

Thank you all very much.

20:29:42 KSaraSara

You should be able to click that and then see there’s a Threaded convo? If you click there, it should pop up a side by side? Listen to what Michael said lol

20:29:53 bakasi

hands back the mike to whoever is on next

20:30:18 Darth_Michael

@KSaraSara @Toomi ‘s next with short

20:30:38 BlindPassenger

THX now I’m tryng to follow. Diffclt as I canonly seeone ata im butI’lltry

people hugging ×2   

20:30:54 KSaraSara

Thank you, @bakasi, for more than a year’s worth of MagiKal and Houdini!

Best Short Story (11-50kb)
20:31:23 KSaraSara

Now, we have @Toomi back again, this time to present Best Short Story!

20:31:39 Toomi

Short stories are challenging. There’s always that chance the muse will add a few extra ideas and before you know it, you’re well on your way to an epic sized story.

20:31:49 Toomi

Not that we mind epic sized stories but that’s a different category.

point up ×4   

20:31:59 Toomi

Those that restrained their muse are:

20:32:11 Toomi

The Dating Game Super Edition by KateSO

20:32:15 KSaraSara

LOL restrained the muse…

20:32:19 Toomi

Fade to Black: Individual Priorities by KSaraSara

20:32:29 Toomi

Fortunately, There Are No Doors Here Tonight by KSaraSara

20:32:40 Toomi

IBM: Darkest Before the Dawn by JadedEvie

20:32:48 Toomi

Leading Questions by SuperBek

20:32:53 AnnaBtG

hah yeah I loved that!

20:32:57 Toomi


20:32:58 Toomi

Paper Cut by Blueowl

20:33:00 bakasi

Hands @KSaraSara blindfolds and handcuffs

laughing ×2   

20:33:05 QueenoftheCapes

Stiff competition this round


20:33:19 KSaraSara

LOL! Just don’t let @Darth_Michael have those!


20:33:20 Toomi

And the winner is……

20:33:20 Darth_Michael

that’s a different genre. and not one that ends with short stories


20:33:23 BlindPassenger

Congrats bakasi! I am not fully caught-up on the whole MagiKal though I read as like half of them up to now and really enjoyed it so far! Well deserved.

20:33:28 KSaraSara


20:33:29 QueenoftheCapes

Well, each round. But more things in here.

20:33:32 Toomi

Fortunately, There Are No Doors Here Tonight by KSaraSara

heart ×5    tada ×4   

20:33:48 Darth_Michael

Congratulations, @KSaraSara !

20:33:50 bakasi


20:33:53 Bek

Congrats!! 🎉 🎉 🎉

20:34:16 bakasi


20:34:19 AnnaBtG

@KSaraSara congrats!!!

20:34:33 CarrieRene

Congratulations. (I’m here just editing IYOK)

20:35:04 Darth_Michael

@CarrieRene and you’re up next with Best Character

20:35:14 EaLeana

Congratulations Sara!!

20:35:27 BlindPassenger

Congrats Sara!

20:36:03 KSaraSara

Gahhhh!! Thank you!! I have so many mixed feelings this year because the competition was SOOO fierce! I’m not even sure what to say other than I wish I could spilt this award 6 ways! Voting was super duper hard!

point up ×3    heart ×4   

20:36:17 CarrieRene

Best Character? Oops, I have the wrong info then.

20:37:02 KSaraSara

I do really love Doors, and I feel honored to have won against so many great stories, not just in the short list but also in the nominee/​eligibles list!

20:37:19 QueenoftheCapes

Yay KSara!

Best Original Character/Supporting Character
20:38:29 KSaraSara

(also, it feels weird to switch from AuthorMode to emceeMode…)

Next up, we have @CarrieRene with the award for Best Original Character/​Supporting Character!

20:39:12 Darth_Michael

(also, it feels weird to switch from AuthorMode to emceeMode…)

you just need to write fewer stories that are badly written. More stories that are badly written?

laughing ×3    🫣   

20:39:13 KSaraSara

someone… like the person in charge of things maybe forgot to announce the changed order of things to the greater populace, including the presenters… she probably really begs forgiveness…

20:40:01 CarrieRene

What does a visitor from another planet, a dog, and the son of a super couple have in common?

superman ×4   

20:40:28 KSaraSara

…. Krypto??? Almost fits the answer! lol

20:40:30 Darth_Michael

all cleared up. it was meant as a joke by CR about me shortening the cat

sweat smile ×2    scream cat ×2   

20:40:42 CarrieRene

They are all supporting characters in this year’s Kerth Awards.

20:41:26 CarrieRene

Supporting characters are those who assist or amuse the main characters. They can be friends, loved ones, or even the family pet.

20:42:45 CarrieRene

The nominees are

Kal El from Destined by SuperBek

Houdini from MagiKal AU series by bakasi

Jon Kent from A Slice of Pie for Me by SuperBek.

And the award goes to…

20:43:20 KSaraSara

There were so many good ones this year!!! (which… well, if you read the post about the short list, you know why there’s only three on the short list!)

20:43:27 KSaraSara

such good contenders!!

20:43:38 CarrieRene

Houdini: MagiKal AU Series by bakasi

dog ×5    tada ×3   

20:43:54 Darth_Michael

Congratulations, @bakasi (well, again 😉 )

20:44:04 EaLeana

@KSaraSara can you reshare the stage link every now and then? For those of us on our phones we have to keep using that link to go back to the stage once we are in the audience.

superman    thumbsup   

20:44:07 Toomi


20:44:08 Darth_Michael

adds doggy treat

20:44:17 KSaraSara

C’mon back up, @bakasi! And bring that dog with you!

20:44:20 Bek

Congrats!! 🎉 🎉 🎉

20:44:30 QueenoftheCapes

Congrats Bakasi!!!

20:44:30 Darth_Michael

Well deserved this year 🎉

20:44:30 bakasi

Houdini licks @Darth_Michael s face

laughing    dog ×2   

20:44:31 BlindPassenger

WOOF! Congrats Houdini!

20:44:40 AnnaBtG

Congrats, @bakasi !!! Woof!!!

20:45:07 bakasi

whistles for Houdini to stop attacking the treat

20:45:12 EaLeana


20:45:44 bakasi

Houdini comes up wagging his tail and starts sniffing at KSaraSara’s hand

20:46:00 Darth_Michael

Stage-only link: https:/​/​​channels/​908556304568684575/​1231642363881848933

superman    heart   

20:46:01 KSaraSara

whispers to Houdini that @Darth_Michael has treats in his pocket…not me!!

20:46:31 Darth_Michael

slips doggy treat into @KSaraSara awards bag

open mouth ×2    laughing ×3   

20:47:16 bakasi

You know, you’ll never get him off the stage like that?

20:47:51 KSaraSara

whistles for Krypto…who then comes onto the stage with a whoosh

20:47:53 Darth_Michael

He’s not supposed to leave the stage until you give that speech

point up   

20:48:46 KSaraSara

Krypto will help escort Houdini off when it’s time. 😉

20:48:52 CarrieRene

How does a dog give a speech? Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof….woooofff

dog ×4   

20:49:54 EaLeana

Maybe there’s a translator? 😜


20:50:22 CarrieRene

Axel is here, but not here. Here in spirit, helping to move more stuff.

20:50:30 Darth_Michael

FINN: meow. Meow meow. MEEow! Meow

joy ×4    cat ×3   

20:50:49 𝐀𝐱𝐨

I’m a spectator lol

tada ×3   

20:51:20 bakasi

I had so much fun writing Houdini, the dog I never had. Sometimes it was easy to write him into the story, sometimes he almost slipped my mind. It seemed to me like he just appeared out of nowhere when Clark was studying newspaper articles on MagiKal. And I loved the idea of a assistance dog. Often I worried that it would be obvious to any dog owner that dogs can’t do what Houdini does.

20:51:34 bakasi

I’m so glad that you all love this character as much as I do.

20:51:48 bakasi

Thank you so much

heart ×4   

20:52:28 BlindPassenger

Krypto could try to translate…? Hrm, is he intelligent enough to “write”?

point up   

20:52:29 Bek

Finn has buried himself in a laundry basket and will be of no help right now

rofl ×3    joy    kissing cat ×3   

20:53:09 KSaraSara

Krypto escorts bakasi and Houdini off the stage

20:53:24 KSaraSara

Congrats, you two!!

20:53:34 KSaraSara

And thank you, @CarrieRene, for presenting!

Best Dramatic Story
20:54:25 KSaraSara

Next up, we have Morgana (via @Darth_Michael) to present the Kerth for Best Dramatic Story!

20:54:30 Morgana (sock)

Lights! Camera! Action!

20:54:36 Morgana (sock)

With those faithful words from classic Hollywood, the drama begins! Writing a story that makes us bite our nails over the hair raising adventures of our favorite reporting duo takes more than just coming up with lines to entertain. It takes pacing the story and setting the scene to make us care about their dilemma. That my friends is not an easy task!

20:54:50 Morgana (sock)

Who can forget seeing Lois for the first time when she gets out of a taxi … dressed as a guy?

20:54:56 Morgana (sock)

What about Clark stopping a bus in downtown Metropolis?

20:55:01 Morgana (sock)

Perry begging Bill Church, Jr. not to kill Alice?

20:55:06 Morgana (sock)

The intense scene between Martha and Jonathan trapped underground by that nut Jason Mayzik and discussing the ups and downs of their marriage?

20:55:17 Morgana (sock)

Each time an FoLC writer puts pen to paper or fingers to keyboard it is a golden opportunity to create their own drama and tonight we honor the writer of the Best Dramatic Story.

20:55:32 Morgana (sock)

The nominees are:

  • Could’a, Would’a, Should’a – Toomi8
  • Investigate: Beckoning – BlueOwl
  • A Matter Of Trust – Bakasi
20:55:44 Morgana (sock)

And the winner for Best Dramatic Story for 2024 is

20:55:56 Morgana (sock)


20:56:00 Morgana (sock)


20:56:08 Morgana (sock)

And there it is…

20:56:10 Morgana (sock)

** Investigate: Beckoning** by Blueowl

tada ×6   

20:56:15 Morgana (sock)


20:56:18 Toomi


20:56:21 Bek

Congrats!!! 🎉 🎉 🎉

20:56:31 AnnaBtG

Congrats!!! 🎉 🎉 🎉

20:56:34 KSaraSara

Ahh, congrats!! Is @Blueowl here??

20:56:46 bakasi

Contgratulations @Blueowl

20:56:54 EaLeana


20:57:32 QueenoftheCapes

Congrats Jess!

20:57:42 Darth_Michael

yay Jess!

20:58:02 BlindPassenger

Congrats BlueOwl! The Investigate series dserves all awards it can get!

point up   

20:58:02 KSaraSara

Ah darn, I guess not! We’ll have to wait for her speech when we post on the MBs.

20:58:59 KSaraSara

And now, FoLCs, we have intermission! For… let’s do 12 mins. So 10 mins after the hour, wherever you are!

20:59:11 KSaraSara


tada ×3   

20:59:24 Bek

Oh good cuz I’ve gotta take the dog out. LOL


20:59:47 CarrieRene

Does the dog talk?

21:00:23 BlindPassenger

Cool, intermissoin gives me time to catch up with the earlier speeches.

purple heart   

21:00:49 AnnaBtG

and i’m going to get food, lol


21:07:27 Darth_Michael


don’t know if you guys noticed but we can add emoticons to the stage even when no one can actually post messages

21:08:08 Darth_Michael


21:08:21 Darth_Michael

stage and audience


21:10:13 KSaraSara

Are people ready? Or want 5 more minutes?

21:10:37 Bek


21:10:37 AnnaBtG

got her food

21:10:39 Bek


21:11:18 CarrieRene

I have my late lunch.

21:11:27 KSaraSara

hoist by my own spandex again… because I’ve asked two questions and got only “yes” for an answer LOL

rofl ×2   

21:12:02 KSaraSara

I do this to myself all the time…

21:12:04 bakasi

I’m ready

21:12:05 AnnaBtG

rookie mistake!

21:12:11 AnnaBtG

maybe you need a beta XD


21:12:12 Toomi

All good here. Ready to go!

21:12:23 AnnaBtG

(or three, or four…)

joy    point up   

21:12:23 Darth_Michael

it’s like when we ask you if you won category a or b 😄

woman facepalming   

21:12:26 KSaraSara

yeah, so… I can be a rookie who’s been here for 30 years? lol

21:12:45 BlindPassenger

Go on. I’ll do the rest of ketchup later!

21:12:58 Darth_Michael

you want fries with that?

21:13:02 KSaraSara

Okay, welcome back, FoLCs!

21:13:20 Darth_Michael



21:13:20 AnnaBtG

from a certain point on, you start counting backwards

point up    joy   

21:13:27 Darth_Michael

stage and audience


21:13:29 CarrieRene

I have fries right here…

Best Kiss
21:13:48 KSaraSara

Now it’s time for @Toomi to come back up and present the award for Best Kiss!

21:14:04 Toomi

Kisses are sloppy and wet… hey!

21:14:06 Darth_Michael

shoves @Toomi towards stage

21:14:10 BlindPassenger

LOL stupid auto-correct. But nope, just ate two portions of dinner + a slice of pie plus popcorn in the afternoon cinema so I’m pretty stuffed for today! Even twenty-somethings have their limits!

21:14:10 Toomi

Who wrote this?

rofl ×3   

21:14:13 Toomi


joy ×5    dog ×4   

21:14:26 Toomi

wipes doggy slobber from notes

21:14:29 Toomi


21:14:39 Toomi

Is it a short and sweet kiss that ties the story together? Or is the entire fic one amazing kiss after another?

21:14:55 Toomi

The nominees for this year’s best kiss are:

21:15:06 Toomi

110 Kisses: I Care About You by KSaraSara

21:15:14 Toomi

110 Kisses: You’re Family by KSaraSara

21:15:23 Toomi

The End Of The Fight by bakasi

21:15:31 Toomi

Fade to Black: Individual Priorities by KSaraSara

21:15:32 Darth_Michael

sees pattern

21:15:43 Toomi

Fortunately, There Are No Doors Here Tonight by KSaraSara

21:15:44 KSaraSara


laughing ×2   

21:15:53 Toomi

You have voted, and the winner is:

21:16:11 Toomi

110 Kisses: You’re Family by KSaraSara 🎉

tada ×4    kiss ×4   

21:16:25 bakasi

Gee, I think it’s a win just getting nominated besides @KSaraSara

21:16:25 AnnaBtG

Yay Sara!!!!

21:16:26 Darth_Michael

and @bakasi broke the nominations streak, at least!

21:16:33 Bek

Congrats!!! 🎉 🎉 🎉

21:16:46 Toomi


21:16:51 BlindPassenger

Congrats Sara!

21:16:53 Darth_Michael

110 Families was a wonderfully sweet kiss!

21:17:04 EaLeana

Congratulations Sara!

21:17:09 bakasi

Congratulations @KSaraSara

21:21:25 KSaraSara

Gahhh!! Oh my! I was trying to like quick prepare something in my head–you know, since the odds were a bit stacked here… 😆 🫣 — but this wasn’t the story I expected to win! But I’m honored nonetheless! (Is it like having a favorite child? lol)

I’m not gonna lie… I have so many mixed feelings because it’s very awkward to stand up here and have my name come up so many times (yay imposter syndrome??). But I’ll tell you that having my name so many times in this category… gosh, if that’s not the hugest compliment ever and the biggest validation I could ever get that I have finally learned how to write a kiss! (Try telling that one to teenageSara too! 😆 )

Thank you all very much for all the love you’ve shown these stories!! 🥰🥰🥰

smiling face with 3 hearts ×3    heart ×3   

21:22:11 KSaraSara

ah, and I guess it’s time for… puts emcee hat back on

21:22:17 Darth_Michael

preps timemachine

Best Mid-Length Story (51-200kb)
21:22:40 KSaraSara

Now we have @Darth_Michael as Morgana back on stage for Best Mid-Length Story!

21:22:43 Morgana (sock)

Morgana could not be here this evening, but she wrote a presentation for this next award.

21:22:50 Morgana (sock)

Hello to this happy crowd of FoLC’s! Let me just say, I coulda, shoulda woulda , But I can’t take my eyes off of you as an award winning Undercover reporter it was kinda hard to save a slice of pie for me.

laughing ×4   

21:23:05 Morgana (sock)

Crickets chirp … the audience did not get the joke!

21:23:09 Morgana (sock)

Nervous presenter clears throat and says, “Okay, moving right along…”

laughing ×4   

21:23:21 Morgana (sock)

This award goes to those writers who decided to leave the short story behind.

21:23:27 Morgana (sock)

They wanted to stretch their writing abilities by prolonging the story, giving it more of a punch and seeing where it lands.

21:23:37 Morgana (sock)

Whether its time travel, digging up a story while under the radar, dealing with an old boyfriend or a little boy ‘hearing’ from his father, these nominees have hit the mark.

21:23:53 Morgana (sock)

The Nominees for the Best Mid-Length Story are:

  • Could’a, Should’a, Would’a – Toomi8
  • Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You – by Socomama and KSaraSara
  • Undercover Reporter – JadedEvie
  • Save A Slice of Pie for Me – SuperBek
21:24:10 Morgana (sock)

Presenter accepts envelope, smiles, rips it out and says:

21:24:16 Morgana (sock)

The winner is Save A Slice of Pie For Me by SuperBek!

21:24:22 Toomi


smiling face with 3 hearts   

21:24:26 Morgana (sock)

Congratulations @Bek !

21:24:29 AnnaBtG

Congrats Bek!!!

smiling face with 3 hearts   

21:24:39 KSaraSara

YAY! Congrats, Bek!! Come on up and give a speech!!

21:25:07 CarrieRene

Yay Bek

smiling face with 3 hearts   

21:25:30 BlindPassenger

Congrats Bek! Give Jon some pie, kay?

point up    pie    smiling face with 3 hearts   

21:25:57 bakasi

Yay, Bek! Congratulations!

smiling face with 3 hearts   

21:26:29 KSaraSara

🥧 :superman: 👨‍👦

smiling face with 3 hearts   

21:26:58 CarrieRene

I want pie, but all we have are cookies and cream cupcakes.

21:27:06 KSaraSara


21:27:18 Bek

Oh, wow! I…wasn’t expecting this at all because, well…. glances at the nominations list again

This one actually means much more to me than you all could know. 😭 I love writing from different perspectives, and writing Jon was a huge challenge and a lot of fun too (okay, yeah, with some big emotions thrown in there too!).

Thank you all so much! (And yep, Jon and Clark both got lots of pie, don’t worry 😉 )


21:27:21 KSaraSara

I want a cupcake now… but all I have are peanut M&Ms

21:28:01 Bek

…Ellie said she would like your peanut M&Ms


21:28:17 KSaraSara

Congrats again, Bek! We’re so glad Clark and Jon (and Lois!) got their happy ending here!

21:28:37 Toomi

I’ve got Monster Munch pickled onion flavour and I’m not sharing 😂

Best Challenge Response
21:28:44 KSaraSara

Now we have @Darth_Michael for @JadedEvie up to present Best Challenge Response!

21:28:51 JadedEvie (sock)

#Passcode accepted. Initializing Metahuman Intelligence Reconnaissance and Communications program. Incognito Mode Active. WELCOME, [Username Hidden]

21:28:56 JadedEvie (sock)
21:29:02 JadedEvie (sock)

JadedE> Jimmy, this doesn’t look like a Discord channel.

21:29:06 JadedEvie (sock)

SuperGopher> Uh, yeah. I mighta taken a wrong turn at that last firewall…

21:29:08 KSaraSara

lol I’m not sure I want that… but I’m not a fan of pickles

21:29:10 JadedEvie (sock)

JadedE> Jimmy!

21:29:12 CarrieRene

You can keep them, Toomi. I’m more sweet than savory.

21:29:15 JadedEvie (sock)

SuperGopher> Yeesh, sorry! Just a sec, I can fix it!

21:29:21 JadedEvie (sock)

JadedE> We’re supposed to be hacking into the Stage channel at the Kerth’s, not into some kind of… Where even are we?

21:29:27 JadedEvie (sock)

SuperGopher> I’m working it out now. It’s pretty cool! I think we’re… uh-oh…

21:29:28 KSaraSara

mIRC… Evie got IRC to work on Discord! lol

joy ×2   

21:29:32 JadedEvie (sock)

JadedE> What do you mean ‘uh-oh?’

21:29:36 JadedEvie (sock)

Batmin> This is not a chatroom.

21:29:39 JadedEvie (sock)

#SuperGopher has been kicked from this channel.

21:29:43 JadedEvie (sock)

JadedE> Wait!

21:29:46 JadedEvie (sock)

Batmin> [*****]

21:29:51 JadedEvie (sock)

JadedE> Look, I’m not trying to abuse the chat feature or share any memes. I’m just looking for the Kerths! I have to drop off this presentation before they get to the Best Challenge Response, and my other attempts have been kinda shaky, so I have to make sure that this one gets there! Can you help get me onto their server?

joy ×3    incoming envelope   

21:30:06 JadedEvie (sock)

Batmin> [*****]

21:30:12 JadedEvie (sock)

SuperGF> I can help!

21:30:16 JadedEvie (sock)

JadedE> Oh, that would be amazing!

21:30:20 JadedEvie (sock)

Batmin> [*****!]

21:30:25 JadedEvie (sock)

#Batmin has been kicked from the channel

21:30:31 JadedEvie (sock)

SuperGF> No problem. Girls gotta stick together. 😉

21:30:35 JadedEvie (sock)

JadedE> Thank you!

21:30:38 JadedEvie (sock)

#User JadedE has succesfully joined the #kerth-ceremony

21:30:41 AmandaK

Woo! I’m finally here. Didn’t miss the whole thing. Just read through everything. Congratulations to all the winners so far.


21:30:47 KSaraSara

stage and audience


21:30:50 JadedEvie (sock)

The Challenge Response stories hold a special place the heart of the FoLC community because, like our altruistic hero, these stories are inspired by someone else’s need — the need for a fantastic fic! It takes a special writer to take up the challenge and give life to an idea based on special request! They often range from poignant and heart-felt to zany, silly and brilliant, and this year’s entries run the gamut.

21:31:02 KSaraSara

Glad you could make it!!

21:31:15 JadedEvie (sock)

The nominees for Best Challenge Response are:

  • Chat Logs by Queen of the Capes
  • The Dating Game Super Edition by KateSO
  • Ficathon: Don’t Let Go (for Queen of the Capes) by KSaraSara
  • Timing Is Everything by Deadly Chakram
21:31:30 JadedEvie (sock)

—- and this year’s Kerth Award Winner for Best Challenge Response is:

21:31:35 JadedEvie (sock)

watches in despair as three clips of paper tumble out

eyes ×3   

21:31:41 JadedEvie (sock)

Oh my. That’s…I did not expect this. Like…at all…

21:31:47 JadedEvie (sock)

picks up papers and clears throat

21:31:51 JadedEvie (sock)

So, the three winners are…

open mouth ×7   

21:31:56 JadedEvie (sock)
  • Ficathon: Don’t Let Go (for Queen of the Capes) by KSaraSara
21:32:01 JadedEvie (sock)
  • The Dating Game Super Edition by KateSO
21:32:06 JadedEvie (sock)
  • Timing Is Everything by Deadly Chakram
21:32:11 JadedEvie (sock)

Congratulations you three!

tada ×3   

21:32:28 Bek

Congrats!! 🎉 🎉 🎉 A three-way tie?? EEP!

21:32:30 Toomi


21:32:38 AnnaBtG

Wow!!! Congrats guys!!!

21:32:54 QueenoftheCapes

A thrie!


21:33:07 CarrieRene

Congrats to the 3-way… I mean tie.

laughing ×2    eyes   

21:33:11 Darth_Michael

Man, I haven’t seen this since I played Tie Fighter in the 90s and they rolled out the TIE-Defender

21:33:13 QueenoftheCapes

Congrats guys!

21:33:19 Toomi


21:33:21 bakasi

Congratulations! Three winners? That has to be a first

21:33:45 EaLeana


21:33:45 KSaraSara

Oh wow!! A three-way tie! (and Michael didn’t make a joke LOL! ahem)!

I’ll uh go first since I’m not sure @KateSO is here and Deadly Chakram hasn’t made it to Discord.

21:33:48 AmandaK

3-way tie! So cool! Congrats

21:34:15 Darth_Michael

Hmm… wonder if next year, we should start tagging users in the winner list…

21:34:37 BlindPassenger

Wow. Congrats to all of the three tie winners. All well deserved.

21:34:51 Bek

I messaged Kate, but I don’t think she’s online right now

21:35:03 Darth_Michael

I did make a joke points at TIE-D

joy ×2   

21:35:16 Darth_Michael

Hmm…I am up next with nfic, though…

21:35:43 EaLeana

Gotta go pick up my daughter from her friend’s house

21:35:46 Bek

hides screen from Ellie

laughing ×2    point up   

21:35:50 EaLeana

Will check in when I can

21:36:01 KSaraSara

I have to give @QueenoftheCapes half the credit here because she was the one to give me all the prompts! And oh did this one stump me for a while… so much that I wrote 2500 words and stalled out (the WIP with a working title of SHIRTLESS CLARK is still sitting unfinished…). But then came this wonderful little story! And gosh, I both wish and don’t wish that Mary would challenge me more often… 🫣

heart ×2   

21:36:05 Darth_Michael

Also, @JadedEvie did an outstanding job with Chat Logs by @QueenoftheCapes

100blue ×3    point up ×2   

21:36:37 KSaraSara

Thank you for the love on this story!

21:36:43 KSaraSara

Hopefully we’ll hear from Kate and Deadly Chakram when we post the winners on the MBs!!

21:37:16 QueenoftheCapes

KSara wants more challenges? I can do that! 😄

laughing ×3    plus1 ×3    smiling imp ×2    🫣   

Best Nfic
21:37:47 KSaraSara

And now… everyone prepare yourselves for @Darth_Michael to present Best Nfic. (This is Evie’s fault and all liability claims should be sent her way. 😆 )

21:37:57 Darth_Michael

strolls up to the podium wearing a Spencer Spencer-style robe

grimacing    🫣 ×3    joy   

21:38:03 Darth_Michael

What? I figured I should show up in style to celebrate the first year of the dark side of the boards being folded into the Kerth Awards!

21:38:11 Darth_Michael

Dawn and Crew did such a wonderful job all these years since the nKerth Awards started! Give them a round of applause, will ya?

clap ×6    heart ×2   

21:38:25 Darth_Michael

Alas, everything changes and with many if not most FoLC actively participating in the Kerth Awards also having access to the dark side, the mutual decision was made to include a dedicated Nfic category to honor those stories that have touched Lois and Clark in such a special way.

21:38:38 Darth_Michael

Now, while the stories still remain very sensual in their rating…

21:38:43 Darth_Michael

undoes belt

🫣 ×2   

21:38:48 Darth_Michael

…we do must remember that this ceremony is being broadcast in family-friendly timeslots across most of the world.

21:38:56 Darth_Michael

drops robe to reveal tuxedo

laughing ×5    man in tuxedo ×3   

21:39:01 Darth_Michael

Which is also why it is very important to remain fully clothed during the presentation of this cat—

21:39:05 Darth_Michael

watches in horror as Finn jumps onto the stage

21:39:11 Darth_Michael laughing ×3    cat ×2         
21:39:17 Darth_Michael

Oh dear! Finn, get down from there immediately! I was saying “category”, not “cat orgy”.

21:39:23 Darth_Michael

grabs the tabby to hand him back to a breathless Clark jogging up to the stage

21:39:27 Bek


21:39:30 Darth_Michael

I’m sorry, FoLCs! Finn should know better that this isn’t his category. Or what we understand as fully clothed.

21:39:35 KSaraSara

LOL! @Bek when did Finn get a costume?? LOL

kissing cat   

21:39:38 Darth_Michael

Cat stands up in the audience next to Lois and Kal You know, I wore less to the office once…

21:39:48 Darth_Michael

Not the point, Cat! But I thank you for dressing appropriately for today’s event.

laughing ×3   

21:39:55 Darth_Michael

smooths down jacket

21:39:59 Bek

Probably when he was sleeping in the laundry basket….

rofl    point up   

21:39:59 Darth_Michael

Where was I…

21:40:03 Darth_Michael

picks up talking-point cards from podium

21:40:10 Darth_Michael

Ah yes, I was about to start talking about the wonderful stories we are pulling fully in front of the curtain for the very first time.

21:40:18 Darth_Michael

Like for example when Kal meets Clark before they both meet Lois in a triangle that was made for three.

superman ×2    eyeglasses    unicorn   

21:40:24 Darth_Michael

watches as Clark and Kal both stroke Finn as they sit back down in at their table next to a Lois

rainbow ×2   

21:40:33 Darth_Michael

Oh, that Kal. He really does love to pet his cat.

point up ×2   

21:40:33 Toomi

Ack. I somehow closed my shared screen.

21:40:39 Darth_Michael

eyes Cat warily

21:40:43 Toomi

And can’t get it back.

21:40:45 Darth_Michael

from the table where Clark and Kal just sat down: I’m a really good friend of the family, that’s all!

21:40:51 KSaraSara

stage and audience


21:40:57 Darth_Michael

clears throat

21:41:01 Darth_Michael


21:41:07 Darth_Michael

…turns out we don’t need the hijinks of auburn cats for some really funny and heated moments, like when Lois manages to really tick off her husband and the conference room table has to take all the punishment that ensues from the unhappy couple relieving their pent-up pressure.

fire ×3   

21:41:10 Toomi

It doesn’t do anything when I click on it.

21:41:11 Doranwen

Clicking on that only brings up the audience for me.

21:41:20 KSaraSara


21:41:23 Darth_Michael

looks over to table 23 where you can only see menus being held in front of faces, golden wedding bands reflecting the table’s centerpiece candle

heart eyes   

21:41:31 Darth_Michael

Looks like they worked it out, FoLCs!

21:41:33 Doranwen

That will only show the stage when I click on it.

21:41:36 Darth_Michael

softly clears throat

21:41:42 Darth_Michael

A good marriage requires many things, patience being one of them. But what happens when the to-be-happy couple doesn’t have enough patience to wait even a scant two more weeks until their impending nuptials? Will they beat the Curse?

heart on fire ×2   

21:41:44 Toomi

That sends me to the Stage.

21:41:46 Doranwen

What you have to do is go to the pinned message “KSaraSara creates the stage”.

21:41:51 Doranwen

Click on the thread link under that.

21:41:57 Darth_Michael

waits for H. G. Wells to show up

21:41:59 Doranwen

Then manually scroll ALL the way down to the present.

21:42:03 Doranwen

Do NOT click on “Jump to Present”

21:42:05 AnnaBtG

Go up here and click the number of messages!

21:42:05 Darth_Michael


21:42:07 Doranwen

Because that removes the stage thread.

21:42:09 Darth_Michael

glances at pocket watch

21:42:20 Darth_Michael

Well…then, looks like it all worked out for them. Perhaps even Fate wasn’t willing to intercede with such a sweet and heartfelt — and not to mention funny and sizzling – expression of love. Yes. Let’s call it love.

21:42:32 Darth_Michael

looks on to a giggling Lois and Clark two tables over before noticing a flustered MC Sara motioning to get on with it

laughing ×3    🫣   

21:42:35 Toomi

Thanks. I followed that link.

21:42:42 KSaraSara

sorry, y’all… I’d meant to do a test run for people before today!!

21:42:49 Darth_Michael

Huh, looks like I managed to out-talk even Sara. Okay then, let’s get on with it and prioritize.

rofl ×2   

21:42:59 Darth_Michael

Just like Clark had to prioritize. Save his date with Lois? Or save a stranger? Turns out, he could do both and get rewarded for it, too. Now, the only question is, did he also managed to save his couch? But I guess that wasn’t really a priority at the time.

21:43:01 Doranwen

I tested it, lol. Discovered “Jump to Present” is not what one wants. Too bad! It would’ve made it easier.

21:43:07 Toomi

Now where was I… Right… @Darth_Michael was removing his robe?

rofl ×3   

21:43:15 Darth_Michael

glances at card

21:43:23 Darth_Michael

And for the final couple I want to say few words about how a deep and beautiful love can heal many wounds. It can even help to bring back joy to your broken soul. And when you’re really lucky, you can even include a Jimmy Interruptus into your love life in a way that’s pure genius.

point up   

21:43:41 Darth_Michael

And so, after very much ado, I give you this year’s nominees for the Best Nfic Story!

21:43:46 Darth_Michael
  • Anchor: Part II – Kal-El by SuperBek
  • Destined by SuperBek
  • Fade to Black: Individual Priorities by KSaraSara
  • Fade to Black: Stop the Presses (Do You Still Need Me?) by lovetvfan and KSaraSara
  • Two Weeks by SuperBek
21:43:54 Darth_Michael

And the winner is…

21:43:57 Darth_Michael

slaps pockets

21:44:01 Darth_Michael



21:44:04 Darth_Michael

slaps forehead

21:44:07 Darth_Michael


21:44:11 Darth_Michael

walks over to robe and pulls out envelope

joy ×2   

21:44:15 Darth_Michael

Sorry, FoLCs…

21:44:19 Darth_Michael

slips open envelope

21:44:31 Darth_Michael

** Fade to Black: Stop the Presses (Do You Still Need Me?)** by lovetvfan and KSaraSara

21:44:44 Darth_Michael

Congratulations to the writing team!

21:44:52 AnnaBtG

Congrats to the Saras!!!!

21:44:55 Bek

Congrats!!! 🎉 🎉 🎉 🔥 🔥 🔥

21:45:01 KSaraSara

Ahhhhh! searches frantically for her Twinnie… @lovetvfan…

21:45:13 bakasi

Congrats to you both

21:45:17 Toomi


21:45:27 Toomi

Those were some steamy fics this year!

point up   

21:45:39 KSaraSara

tries to drag Sara online… and in front of the mic…

21:46:15 Darth_Michael

*pokes @lovetvfan *

21:46:36 Darth_Michael

she has to show up. she’s doing best overall anyway

21:46:37 BlindPassenger

Congrats to the Sara duo! Yeah that was a great fic and fix-it for STP.

Also, LOL the speech was hilarious.

And, having a little brother by the name of Finn, I know how much they can be troublemakers…

smiling face with 3 hearts   

21:46:39 KSaraSara

Gahh okay she can’t come to the channel right now because she’s recording her podcast! 😭

21:46:47 Darth_Michael

bites nails

21:47:29 Darth_Michael

She can exclaim that she won a very prestigious award !

21:50:43 KSaraSara

But I have to give Sara like most of the credit on this one because I tried to start it and got stalled… so then she came in and helped… tries to figure out a way to say “finished” without making it sound naughty … um…so yeah. She did a lot of the heavy lifting here! And I loved being able to write with my partner in crime again!

Given the nature of this interlude…we weren’t entirely sure that people would be open or receptive to it, but now here it is winning an award!

And up against … well, I won’t count myself… but up against Bek’s stories, which were 🔥 🥵 ❤️‍🔥 phenomenal, it’s really an honor to win this one!

Thank you!

21:51:57 KSaraSara

And just a little PSA here… we need to up our story count on nfic for this year… eyes several writers in the crowd 😉


21:52:12 Darth_Michael


21:52:15 KSaraSara

puts emcee hat back on

21:52:20 Darth_Michael

is not part of the crowd


Best Comedy Story
21:52:34 KSaraSara

Now we have @bakasi to present Best Comedy!!

21:53:06 bakasi

Glad to be back, this time to present a category.

clap ×2   

21:53:23 BlindPassenger

What about the Miss Lane one though?

21:53:41 Darth_Michael

that’s harmless gfic. well.. PG-13 perhaps

21:53:50 bakasi

searches her pockets for card. Spots Houdini, who carries her notes. Thank you, boy

21:53:55 bakasi


laughing ×2   

21:54:41 BlindPassenger

Hey the nfics are harm-less too. No one invovled got harmed?

point up   

21:54:44 bakasi

Clark trying to get advice on dealing with an angry girlfriend, the chatroom of Superheroes, Superman in a dating show, Clark’s identity struggles a la Dr. Seuss and his favorite nosy reporter getting Clark to fess up on his secret – these stories among others made us laugh this year.

Nominated as Best Comedy Story are:

AITA – The Clark Kent Version by Toomi8

Chat Logs by Queen of the Capes

The Dating Game Super Edition by KateSO

I’m Superman by SuperBek

Leading Questions by SuperBek

21:55:01 Darth_Michael

I once broke a conference table?

point up   

21:55:09 bakasi

And the winner is:

21:55:33 bakasi

looks everywhere if she can spot an envelope

21:56:01 bakasi

Ah, there…

21:56:10 bakasi

And the winner is….

21:56:16 bakasi


drum ×3   

21:56:31 bakasi

Leading Questions by SuperBek

21:56:33 Darth_Michael

points @bakasi ‘s ocket

21:56:45 KSaraSara

Wooo! Come back up, @Bek!

21:56:56 Toomi


smiling face with 3 hearts   

21:56:58 Darth_Michael

Congratulations @Bek fo asking such great questions!

smiling face with 3 hearts   

21:57:00 KSaraSara

YAY!! Congrats!!

smiling face with 3 hearts   

21:57:01 BlindPassenger

Meh. The Foundation will replace that, I’m sure. They must have a Accidentally Super Destruction fond.


21:57:12 AnnaBtG

Congrats, Bek!!!

smiling face with 3 hearts   

21:57:24 bakasi

Yay @Bek

smiling face with 3 hearts   

21:57:35 BlindPassenger

Congrats again, Bek!

smiling face with 3 hearts   

21:57:52 JadedEvie

Just popping into the channel from the airport!

Congrats Bek! 🥳

smiling face with 3 hearts   

21:58:17 KSaraSara

congrats to you!!!!! for Undercover Reporter winning… I can’t remember which one!

21:58:23 AmandaK

Congrats, Bek!

smiling face with 3 hearts   

21:58:45 Darth_Michael

Best Episode

point up    smiling face with 3 hearts   

21:59:07 JadedEvie

Omg! That’s amazing! I was not expecting that! That’s such an intense compliment from the community! 💗💗💗

smiling face with 3 hearts   

21:59:13 KSaraSara

wanna hang around after Bek and give your speech?

21:59:40 Bek

Eep! I didn’t expect this one either. 🫣 I’ve never really thought of myself as funny, so this is a bit of a surprise! This story was just SO fun to write, and I’m really glad everyone enjoyed reading it!

Thank you, everyone!

heart ×2   

21:59:57 JadedEvie

If I don’t get through the tsa line too quickly…

22:00:14 JadedEvie

I’ll pop back in! Just a bit!


22:00:26 Darth_Michael

@Bek having checked out how Lois and Clark behaved with Jimmy on the other end of the phone, I strongly object to that statement.

rofl ×2   

22:00:29 KSaraSara

Thank YOU, Bek, for the hilarious fic you gave us!

22:01:23 QueenoftheCapes

Leaving for work. Have fun, all! Amd congratulations to all the winners. 🙂

wave ×4   

22:01:24 Bek

Ohhh boy Ummmmm, yeah, they did do that.

point up   

Best Long Story (201+kb)
22:03:14 KSaraSara

Thank you, @bakasi, for presenting again!

Now we have @Darth_Michael (but not the REAL @JadedEvie, though she DID write the speech) here to present Best Long Story!

22:03:30 JadedEvie (sock)

The paper airplane, discord hacking, and Prankster tie-in were my only cutesy ideas for a lead-in to navigate not being here. So, I guess I’ll just have to resort to other tactics now. Ahem Help! Oh, help, help, Superman!

superman ×4    laughing ×2   

22:03:47 JadedEvie (sock)

A gust of air and a familiar thump

22:03:52 JadedEvie (sock)

Hey big, guy, sorry for the false alarm – would you mind dropping this ceremony presentation off at the Kerths for me?

22:03:59 JadedEvie (sock)

The signature chastising look

laughing ×2   

22:04:05 JadedEvie (sock)

I know, I know, I won’t cry wolf again, but, after all, I DO need your help. …And I’ll just bet you know where the Kerths are this year… right?

22:04:15 JadedEvie (sock)

Another gust of air, a blue and red blue and a second later…

22:04:25 JadedEvie (sock)

Clark Kent saw Lois Lane and fell head over heels.

22:04:30 JadedEvie (sock)

And though he asked her out only hours later, he had to play the long game to gain her love.

22:04:36 JadedEvie (sock)

It took a season and a half to get a first date, and three seasons (and three weddings!) to get to those vows.

22:04:46 JadedEvie (sock)

In prime time television, that’s a loooong time for a payoff!

22:04:56 JadedEvie (sock)

The stories in the ‘Best Long Story’ category each took over 200 kb of our reading time to resolve.

22:05:08 JadedEvie (sock)

And just like our favorite fandom couple, these stories were worth waiting for.

22:05:15 JadedEvie (sock)

The nominees for Best Long Story are:

22:05:25 JadedEvie (sock)

waits appropriate amount of time

laughing ×3   

22:05:33 JadedEvie (sock)

waits some more

22:05:40 JadedEvie (sock)
  • Investigate: Beckoning by Blueowl
  • MagiKal AU Series by bakasi
  • A Matter Of Trust by bakasi
  • Murder Over Metropolis by CarrieRene
22:05:47 JadedEvie (sock)

—- and this year’s Kerth Award Winner for Best Long Story is:

22:06:06 JadedEvie (sock)

now we can really wait till everyone read those stories, right?


22:06:13 JadedEvie (sock)


22:06:17 JadedEvie (sock)

MagiKal AU Series by bakasi

22:06:30 JadedEvie (sock)

Congratulations, @bakasi !

22:06:39 JadedEvie (sock)

You made a threefer!

22:06:42 Bek

Congrats!! 🎉 🎉 🎉

22:06:43 KSaraSara

Ahh, congrats, @bakasi!!! C’mon back up!

22:06:53 Toomi


22:06:58 AnnaBtG

Congrats, @bakasi !!!

22:07:11 AmandaK


22:07:32 BlindPassenger

And congrats again! There you go! Well, get MagiKal on the stage to perform some super stunts!

22:08:12 KSaraSara


22:08:24 bakasi

Gee, how did this happen? I honestly didn’t expect this. I spent so much time writing that other well-planned (and also nominated) story and the MagiKal series was just an in-betweenie of sorts. Guys I’m blown away.

star struck ×2   

22:08:30 bakasi

Thank you so, so much.

purple heart ×4   

22:08:47 KSaraSara

I think that’s the right link for getting to the stage, for those of you who needed intermittent links!

22:08:55 Darth_Michael

It just warmed all our heartstrings so much!

22:09:44 KSaraSara

tosses a Kerth to bakasi and a treat to Houdini


22:10:05 bakasi

Yeah, I figured that “A Matter Of Trust” wouldn’t warm anyone’s heartstrings 🫣

22:10:17 KSaraSara

Thanks to Evie for the hilarious presentation speech!

Best New Author
22:12:21 KSaraSara

Next up, Best New Author. Now last year, we didn’t have enough authors to support having a category in the awards, so I do want to give a special shout out to @Bek and JerseyGrl for being our only two new authors for last year’s Kerth season!

Let’s all give them both a round of applause!!

clap ×5   

22:12:36 KSaraSara


22:12:54 Darth_Michael


22:13:08 KSaraSara

And as the previous Best New Author in residence, @Toomi will be presenting the award this year!

22:13:20 Toomi

I was informed that it’s tradition for the last new author winner to present the next one, and I’m a sucker for tradition. Fair warning to those nominated here today!

22:13:36 Toomi

Stepping out into fandom with your first fic is a moment in itself. As authors we wait for feedback and watch to see how our perspective will be embraced. As readers we love welcoming new authors into the group.

smiling imp   

22:13:48 Toomi

Who can say no to more fic!

point up ×2   

22:14:04 Toomi

For the six authors that are nominated we are glad you have joined us and are sharing your work.

22:14:37 Toomi

The nominees for best new author are:

22:14:45 Toomi


22:14:54 Toomi


22:15:01 Toomi


22:15:09 Toomi


22:15:16 Toomi


22:15:17 Toomi


22:15:24 Toomi


heart ×3   

22:15:36 KSaraSara

Eeee!! I think Val-El is our youngest ever!

point up ×3   

22:15:48 Toomi

And the winner is:

22:15:48 KSaraSara


22:15:52 Toomi


22:16:05 KSaraSara

Yay!!! Come on up, Bek!!

22:16:06 Darth_Michael

Congratulations, @Bek !

smiling face with 3 hearts   

22:16:17 Toomi


smiling face with 3 hearts   

22:16:38 KSaraSara

Gahhhhh SOOOOO deserved!!!! 👏👏👏👏

smiling face with 3 hearts   

22:16:44 AnnaBtG

Congrats @Bek !!!

smiling face with 3 hearts   

22:16:47 BlindPassenger

Congratulations!! Very much deserved, this one!

smiling face with 3 hearts   

22:17:46 KSaraSara

but also SOOO many great new authors this year (and last)!!! We’re so lucky!!

And we even have MORE new ones this year (for the next Kerth season eligibility), with @AmandaK and @drdeathdefying7760 (and maybe more??)

point up   

22:17:51 AmandaK


smiling face with 3 hearts   

22:20:01 Bek

GAH!! Thank you, everyone! I don’t even know what to say except that you all have really been so welcoming, and I had NO idea how much my life would change when I first messaged @KSaraSara to ask for her help/​encouragement, etc., when I was considering whether to post one of the fics I wrote…

I wrote so much in the last couple of years, and it’s been so wonderful being able to have this fandom as such a safe place to share all of it (um, even when one of the stories really went outside of fandom conventions 😉 ).


❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

heart ×4   

22:20:34 KSaraSara

juuuuuust a little left of canon 😉

laughing ×2   

22:21:06 BlindPassenger

Ah drat, somehow my browser decided to close the stage. Could someone link it again? Thanks!

22:21:26 KSaraSara

We’re so grateful to have you here and that you’re sharing your stories with us!! And thank you to ALL the new authors we’ve had in the last few years!! We hope you all continue to write more and more fic for us to devour! Congrats, Bek!


22:21:49 AnnaBtG

@BlindPassenger here!

Best Original Fanart
22:22:02 KSaraSara

And now, we have @AnnaBtG up to present the award for Best Original Fanart!

22:22:35 Darth_Michael

juuuuuust a little left of canon

And it wasn’t even Lex and Lois living happily ever after 😄

laughing ×2   

22:23:06 BlindPassenger

Thanks but…it doesn’t work/​I don’t see alink??

22:23:18 AnnaBtG

click on the number of messages!

22:23:30 Darth_Michael


22:24:12 BlindPassenger

Ah ok that did it

22:24:43 AnnaBtG

(Maybe I should have drawn a diagram for this, but alas, I have no artistic skills.)

rofl ×3   

22:24:57 AnnaBtG

Like Sara, I’ve been in this fandom for a long time. Not as long as she has, that said. :p But enough to remember that this category wasn’t always here.

older man ×2   

22:25:17 bakasi

Writing is an art, too 😉


22:25:32 AnnaBtG

And I have to say, I’m really, really glad it’s included now, because it’s become apparent that the creativity of FoLCs is too massive to be contained within the realm of fanfic writing! We have a mindblowing collection of Lois and Clark fanart of all kinds and for all tastes!

point up    100blue ×2   

22:25:47 AnnaBtG

We have action figures!! We have graphics and banners!! We have podcasts and TikTok videos!! And we even have an original song!!

22:26:04 AnnaBtG

Check out these amazing nominees for best original fanart!

22:26:08 BlindPassenger


22:26:22 AnnaBtG

Action Figure Line by Matt Truex

Destined Graphics by KSaraSara

Kerth Winner Banners by CarrieRene

Lois & Clark’d: The New Podcasts of Superman by Matt Truex

TikTok Videos by 90stvfangirl

Villains Song by KateSO

22:26:42 AnnaBtG

And the winner is…

22:27:00 AnnaBtG

A tie!!!!

22:27:08 AnnaBtG

OMG, we have fan-made ties?? That’s awesome!!!!

laughing ×2   

22:27:21 KSaraSara


22:27:58 BlindPassenger

The Clark Kent tie collection?

laughing ×2   

22:28:06 AnnaBtG

Okay, but does it say who made the tie?


22:28:14 AnnaBtG

turns envelope over

22:28:19 Darth_Michael

There’s fandoms where TIEs are fanart, too

laughing ×3   

22:28:49 AnnaBtG

Action Figure Line by Matt Truex and Kerth Winner Banners by CarrieRene!!!

22:28:49 Darth_Michael

come on

22:28:52 Darth_Michael

come one

22:28:55 KSaraSara

I wonder if we can find that on the wayback machine… someone DID draw them all…

open mouth ×2   

22:28:56 Darth_Michael

Congratulations to Matt and @CarrieRene !

22:29:17 Toomi


22:29:18 Bek

Congrats!!! 🎉 🎉 🎉

22:29:19 KSaraSara

Ahh congrats to you both!! @CarrieRene, come on up and give a speech!!

22:29:20 BlindPassenger


22:29:34 Darth_Michael

*shoves @CarrieRene *

22:29:40 KSaraSara

I’ll make sure Matt knows to stop by the MBs to say something later. I know he’ll be pleased!

tada ×2   

22:30:27 Darth_Michael

Those action figures are very awesome indeed!

point up ×2   

22:30:48 AnnaBtG

I loved them!! I wasn’t even expecting to see anything like that!

22:30:58 AnnaBtG

This category really was something else this year

22:31:06 Darth_Michael

“Spa Lois” – just sayin’

22:31:42 AnnaBtG

I was very happy to see all that different stuff _


22:31:48 AnnaBtG

And thrilled to present 😀

smiling face with 3 hearts   

22:31:49 KSaraSara

I totally forgot to tell the FB group about the awards… 🫣 But Matt kinda said he’s not a Discord person though anyway.

I’ll be sure to post the winners’ thread on the Facebook group for all to see!

22:31:58 Darth_Michael
22:32:20 CarrieRene

Thank you. I have created fanart for as long as I have been writing fanfiction. This is the first time I have won anything for it. The powers that be always say show don’t tell, well that is how I try to create my fanart. I try to show as much emotion as I can. Thank you to all of you who voted. I appreciate it more than you know.

heart eyes ×4    tada ×5    purple heart ×4    smiling face with 3 hearts ×2   

22:33:14 KSaraSara

For anyone who does Facebook and wants to know, there’s a FB group full of friendly FoLCs who congregate over there too. https:/​/​​groups/​343797896989115/​

22:34:16 KSaraSara

Thank you, Carrie for all you do!! We love being able to have graphics to go with our nominations and awards, AND some of those lovely story banners you’ve created for yourself and others!

cry    purple heart   

22:35:02 Darth_Michael

wonders do we still do awards plaques, too?

22:35:32 BlindPassenger

Not an FB or much of a social media person in generla (yes, weird for my gen but eh, what can i say), but it’s great to know there are so many different ways for FOLC’s to connect so that everyone can chose chose channels that are their jam!


Best Commenter/Feedback Giver
22:36:13 KSaraSara

And now, we have what some may argue is the most important category of all! For without feedback, many authors and fan artists will fade into the ether…

Will “Morgana” come up to the stage, please? It’s time to present the award for Best Commenter/​Feedback Giver!!

22:36:32 KSaraSara

nudges @AnnaBtG to change her nick

22:37:11 AnnaBtG

Socks, too!! Maybe next year we can have a crafts category… ahem

laughing ×3    socks ×2   

22:37:48 AnnaBtG

As any FoLC writer knows, getting feedback from readers is (almost) as good as getting paid for all the hours of work that goes into creating a story we can sink our teeth into!

point up   

22:38:06 AnnaBtG

When we read a story, what better way to thank the writer than to compliment on the construction of a particular part. Isn’t it great when someone injects a bit of dialogue from the series or from a popular movie, pushing the plot forward? What about the research it takes to make that scene historically accurate? Such attention to detail proclaims diligent care from the author. It makes the world of Lois Lane and Clark Kent much more real to all of us. Which propels us to make a great comment! Ya won’t get any complaints from me on that score!

22:38:32 AnnaBtG

Here are the nominees for Best Commenter/​Feedback Giver:

Darth Michael





22:38:48 KSaraSara

research? I know nothing of spending hours on research to make sure ONE LINE is totally accurate in the world in which a man flies…

plus1 ×3    laughing ×3   

22:38:54 AnnaBtG

And the winner is…

22:39:14 AnnaBtG

Darth Michael!! Congrats!!

22:39:17 Darth_Michael

bites nails

22:39:23 KSaraSara

YAY!!! Congrats!!

22:39:23 Darth_Michael

bites snails


22:39:23 Toomi


22:39:29 Darth_Michael


22:39:34 KSaraSara

nudges mic over to Michael

22:39:42 Bek

Congrats!!! And thank you for all the ruined keyboards from your FDK 😆


22:39:42 bakasi

Congrats @Darth_Michael

22:39:46 KSaraSara

Oh boy… he fainted…

22:40:04 Darth_Michael


22:40:07 Darth_Michael


22:40:16 Darth_Michael

you guys now want a speech, right?

22:40:18 KSaraSara

brings on stage the Emergency Cat…

22:40:22 Darth_Michael

/​glances at time/​

22:40:23 BlindPassenger

Congrats! Your feedback always makes me laugh a lot!

plus1    smiling face with 3 hearts   

22:40:26 Darth_Michael

you sure about that?

22:40:47 KSaraSara

Yes, we would like feedback on the feedback we’ve given you about your feedback…

laughing ×3   

22:40:52 Darth_Michael

clears throat I did not prepare a speech, you know?

22:41:06 Darth_Michael

eyes Sara about this


22:41:15 Darth_Michael

then takes mic

22:41:51 Darth_Michael

Okay, first and foremost, I would like to thank… ummm… Who wrote the first episode of the Fifth and Sixth Season?

22:41:58 Darth_Michael

because those got me hooked.

purple heart ×2   

22:42:25 KSaraSara

oh heck… I know Leanne Shawler was among those to do Fifth Season…

22:42:44 Darth_Michael

Then I want to thank Pam J because her H…stands for Hubris was the first story I read and possibly one of the first I replied on. privately…. that is….

purple heart   

22:43:09 BlindPassenger

Barbara and Peace Everett did I think?

22:43:22 KSaraSara

Season 5 and 6


22:43:22 Darth_Michael

I’m sure CarolM is to blame, too… I spent quite a bit of FDk on her On The Other Hand.

22:43:36 Darth_Michael

And MLT’s No Place Like Home.

22:43:50 KSaraSara

TUFS: The Unaired Fifth Season


22:44:21 Darth_Michael

FDK really really took of with Virginia’s stories, though and culminated with Wrong Clark. boy…. that resulted in many many posts

22:44:29 Darth_Michael

eyes post count total

laughing ×2   

22:44:41 Darth_Michael

I mean, I am third in the ranks…

22:44:52 Darth_Michael

Might one day surpass Labby and even Virginia.

22:45:12 KSaraSara open mouth ×2         
22:45:14 Darth_Michael

So…fast forward through the years when GRRM kind of consumed a lot of my attention span

22:45:16 KSaraSara


22:45:56 Darth_Michael

to where we are now, with a mobile phone that supports doing split screen which means I kind of live stream my thoughts into an FDK document as I read.

22:46:06 Darth_Michael

apparently those are well received.

point up ×5   

22:46:39 Darth_Michael

So, thank you Steve Jobs for starting the Smartphone hype and thank you whoever at Google started to copy Apple and build Android phones

laughing ×4    apple ×2   

22:47:04 Darth_Michael

sees @KSaraSara making motions towards her watch


22:47:10 Darth_Michael

okay okay…

22:47:59 Darth_Michael

thank you all so much dear FoLCs. Readers and Writers alike. It’s a pleasure to know that I can entertain you even at times when I’m not eligible in the classic Kerth categories

smiling face with 3 hearts ×3    heart ×4   

22:48:03 Darth_Michael

Thank you!

22:49:07 KSaraSara

And thank YOU, Michael, for all the wonderful feedback over the years, not to mention all the tech stuff you do behind the scenes so that we can all keep reading and writing and talking about L&C!

point up ×6    smiling face with 3 hearts ×3   

22:50:02 KSaraSara


22:50:12 KSaraSara

round of applause for all the hard work that often goes unseen!!!

amazed ×2   

22:50:40 bakasi

👏 👏

Best Overall Story
22:50:56 KSaraSara

Gosh… sorry about the time, FoLCs, but at least now we’re onto our last category, Best Overall Story!!!

22:51:01 Toomi


22:51:30 KSaraSara

@lovetvfan wishes she could be here, but she did write a speech!

22:51:38 KSaraSara

which @Darth_Michael will paste for us!

22:51:41 lovetvfan (sock)

Stop me if you’ve heard this one: Two AU fics and two Phoenix fics walk into a bar.

laughing ×2   

22:51:45 lovetvfan (sock)

Err, no, that’s not right.

22:51:49 lovetvfan (sock)

Why did the Phoenix rewrite cross the road?

chicken ×2   

22:51:53 lovetvfan (sock)

To pet Houdini of course! Or a cat. We all know how much Kal wants to pet the cat.

cat ×3    dog ×3   

22:52:07 lovetvfan (sock)

Don’t mind me, I’m trying to be clever. It really is difficult to find a way to introduce such an eclectic group of stories.

22:52:16 lovetvfan (sock)

The category of “best overall story” is one where we often find creativity mixed with lots of feels and a very high word count.

22:52:29 lovetvfan (sock)

This year is no different.

22:52:41 lovetvfan (sock)

We have two stories in which the fan-favourite episode “The Phoenix” is given a different spin, one AU in which Clark Kent meets not one but two loves of his life in the form of an alien named Kal and a reporter named Lois and an AU series of ficlets woven into a larger story featuring the most loveable pup in FoLcdom.

22:53:01 KSaraSara

Phoenix is this year’s TOGOM? lol

22:53:10 lovetvfan (sock)

These fics couldn’t be more different and all of them are well worth the read. The nominees for Best Overall Story are:

22:53:18 lovetvfan (sock)
  • Can’t Take My Eyes Off You by Socomama and KSaraSara
  • Destined by SuperBek
  • MagiKal AU Series by bakasi
  • A Matter Of Trust by bakasi
22:53:23 lovetvfan (sock)

So without further ado, the winner of best overall story is:

22:53:40 lovetvfan (sock)

Can’t Take My Eyes Off You by Socomama and KSaraSara

22:53:48 Toomi


22:53:54 lovetvfan (sock)

Congratulations @KSaraSara & @Socomama !

22:54:01 AnnaBtG


22:54:10 Bek

Congrats!! 🎉 🎉 🎉

22:54:14 bakasi


22:54:24 BlindPassenger

KRYPTO: Hey, what about me??!

22:54:36 BlindPassenger


22:55:22 bakasi

That dog’s eligible for next year’s Kerths

point up   

22:56:23 KSaraSara

Ack!! Wow, thank you!! I’m sure @Socomama will just about faint when she sees this! I’m not sure what else to say that I didn’t say for the last one. 😆 But I’m so very honored to have been half responsible for the Best Overall story this year! 😊 Gahhh! And against bakasi and Bek’s stories that were just… this year was HARD to vote because there were SO MANY good stories. I’m proud to be among those who were nominated and who’ve won! ❤️

heart ×3   

22:56:39 BlindPassenger

True. It just seemedlike the dog was not happy with the houdini appreciation 🙂

22:57:17 KSaraSara

and ack, I guess I’ll put my emcee hat back on one more time!

22:57:30 KSaraSara

Thank you all so much for coming! Thank you to those who volunteered to write presentation speeches even though they weren’t able to be here in person! Thank you to Michael and Sara and Evie for all their hard work on the Kerth Committee! Thank you to Carrie Rene for making the nominee banners (and soon the winner banners!)!

heart ×3   

22:57:44 KSaraSara

Thank you to all the writers and readers and commenters and artists and lurkers! Every FoLC makes this fandom as great as it is, so thank you!

purple heart   

22:58:06 KSaraSara

And gosh, I hope I didn’t forget anyone!!

22:58:22 CarrieRene

The animals

22:58:57 bakasi

Houdini has made only one small appearance on the boards this year. I think Krypto’s safe

22:59:17 KSaraSara

Oh yes!! All our furry critters we’ve had this year! Finn the cat (in two different universes) and Houdini (and yes, you too, Krypto, you’ll get your turn next year 😉 )!

22:59:41 KSaraSara

And I think that’s all, FoLCs!

22:59:42 BlindPassenger


22:59:44 BlindPassenger

CAT GRANT: So why was I not nominated into best Nfic character? What a waste!

23:00:05 KSaraSara

Stay tuned on the boards for the official winners list to be posted shortly!

heart ×5   

23:00:19 bakasi

Thanks for all the efforts

23:00:33 AnnaBtG

Like Cinderella… ends the awards at midnight sharp!!

23:00:51 Toomi

Woohoo! What a fun few hours!

23:00:51 bakasi

Just don’t lose your shoe

high heel ×2   

23:00:52 KSaraSara

oh! Can I pretend I planned it that way?

grin ×2   

23:01:04 Darth_Michael

I probably should write an alternate version of Strange Visitor…

23:01:24 KSaraSara

Yeahhh you best take Sara’s name off that hahahahha

23:01:34 KSaraSara

she loves Cat but not that much

23:02:47 BlindPassenger

I mean, Cat is currently busy with, er, Jordan? So, Clark (and Lois) should be safe…

23:04:19 BlindPassenger

Thanks to all who arganized, presented, and so on, as well as those who wrote and commented. It was another fun one and I really enjoyed to attend a KCem for the first time (even if I was late, but eh, what can you do?)

Twas a lot of fun.

smiling face with 3 hearts ×3   

23:11:19 AmandaK

That was super fun. Glad I was able to attend between baby showers and teaching my daughter to make grilled cheese. Thank you to everyone who put this together.

smiling face with 3 hearts ×3   

23:26:54 90stvfangirl

Not sure if I’m in the right place but Just popped in before work to say congratulations to all the winners!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

23:27:31 KSaraSara

You’re in the right place! ❤️

23:29:01 Darth_Michael

yeah, you are and if you want to check the stage, it’s at https:/​/​​channels/​908556304568684575/​1231642363881848933


23:29:18 Doranwen

I don’t have a FB or social media either, unless you count Dreamwidth, which I use mostly for posting fandom-related meta, recs posts, and exchange letters. (It doesn’t have my real name attached, and I definitely don’t post about the meals I eat, lol.)

23:29:51 Doranwen

At my 20th year class reunion, multiple classmates were like “we tried to find you but we couldn’t find you anywhere!” because they thought I’d be on FB like everyone else. Nope! I refuse.

joy ×2   

23:30:08 90stvfangirl

I remember the tie website! I did find a tumblr recently dedicated to his ties

thumbsup tone1   

23:30:49 KSaraSara

ahhhh awesome bookmarks for later

23:31:07 Darth_Michael

KCOM also plans on publishng a transcript of the ceremony and audience in previous year’s fashion. Since Discord works a bit differently, we will see how and what this entails. in the meantime, you can always check back here 🙂

cc @KSaraSara

point up   

23:33:15 Darth_Michael

okay than, that’s it for this member of KCom for tonight! have a lovely day, evening, morning, timezone, time portal 👋 And thank you for showing up and being part of the fun!

superman ×4   

01:08:25 Blueowl


smiling face with 3 hearts   

01:09:46 Blueowl

Sorry I missed it all. Have been preparing the house for family coming this week